ATLA promotes the free dissemination of knowledge and exchange of ideas with respect to the science and engineering in, and related to, the lighting industry. ATLA provides online platforms in order to promote this free dissemination of knowledge and exchange of ideas, including: the ALL THINGS LIGHTING™ blog; the ALL THINGS LIGHTING™ ANNUAL REVIEW journal; online commentary, and discussions.

ATLA recognizes that the lighting industry is interdisciplinary, drawing on knowledge and expertise from many fields as they apply to lighting. As such, topics for publication are not restricted, and may also include (and are not limited to): electronics and controls; biology; law and policy; aesthetics and industrial design; and any other relevant topics as they relate to lighting.

Editorial Disclaimer

The views expressed in submissions published by ATLA do not necessarily reflect those of ATLA or represent endorsement by ATLA, but may be of interest to the lighting industry as a whole.

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